By Wilson Ninofranco Guntang
Caught in seasons of unchanging vision
To hunt the words from a misty mind
Flashes of anonymity I continually pursue
To divulge what was already known
I tried waiting patiently for the exact lexis I need
And put baits around so easier it will be for me
Minutes turned into hours unnoticed
It seems that my shooting quill will start to rusts
Time became irrelevant at the moment
But concerned I am to my shaking hands
I just can’t pull the trigger
To where I suppose to begin
Rubbles of thought is bafflingly arranging
And the mist began exposing
Then my heart jumps into excitement
Like an invitation to scribe what I’m about to witness
Snap! Snap! Snap! I heard repeatedly
My baits appeared to be working
Without hesitation I rush into stroke
Capturing each word I longed for
Stop! In a sudden my consciousness flicked
While floating words I just ignored
My quill squeaks unsatisfied
From the stunning appeal of what I wrote
The forest whispered to my surprise
That fleeting beauty cannot be trusted
Even the expression I stained on the pad
Can’t be compared to what he’s telling
Clearly I meditate on the silent noise
As a great Lion mightily staring
Serenity taught me the significance of this chase
As I wrote for things I cannot see
I bear in mind to propagate the message of life I learned
Startled watching myself vanishing
Then all of a sudden…Awake! Just a dream it was
Now the hunt is on, not for words anymore but for the Message of Life to get to you
By Wilson Ninofranco Guntang
Caught in seasons of unchanging vision
To hunt the words from a misty mind
Flashes of anonymity I continually pursue
To divulge what was already known
I tried waiting patiently for the exact lexis I need
And put baits around so easier it will be for me
Minutes turned into hours unnoticed
It seems that my shooting quill will start to rusts
Time became irrelevant at the moment
But concerned I am to my shaking hands
I just can’t pull the trigger
To where I suppose to begin
Rubbles of thought is bafflingly arranging
And the mist began exposing
Then my heart jumps into excitement
Like an invitation to scribe what I’m about to witness
Snap! Snap! Snap! I heard repeatedly
My baits appeared to be working
Without hesitation I rush into stroke
Capturing each word I longed for
Stop! In a sudden my consciousness flicked
While floating words I just ignored
My quill squeaks unsatisfied
From the stunning appeal of what I wrote
The forest whispered to my surprise
That fleeting beauty cannot be trusted
Even the expression I stained on the pad
Can’t be compared to what he’s telling
Clearly I meditate on the silent noise
As a great Lion mightily staring
Serenity taught me the significance of this chase
As I wrote for things I cannot see
I bear in mind to propagate the message of life I learned
Startled watching myself vanishing
Then all of a sudden…Awake! Just a dream it was
Now the hunt is on, not for words anymore but for the Message of Life to get to you
Silver-tongued poet