By Wilson Ninofranco Guntang
The wake of zephyr that touches my skin
Signaled my hand to compose
A transparent truth to a dying reality
Needs to be unveiled in the eloquence of life
It is more than the existence of the Grim Ripper
And more than the authenticity of the death,
The unfathomed road of the after life
That was thrown into the Oblivion of the human mind
We trudge a world we claim we know
But our arrogance leads is to the ditch of a decaying highway
Still, the road map of life left unopened
And those who show us the path were mistreated
Afraid to lose what? Life? Possessions? Loved ones?
Or frightened by the reality that it will all come to pass?
Fear lurks in the shadow of uncertainty
And if it ever cripples us, escape goat becomes an answer to this phenomenon
Callosity denies the presence of fear
That enables us to embrace the lust of living,
A dead man walking at the canyon’s edge
Just waiting for his epidermis to be rotten
Soon the Sandman himself will wake you up from your sleep
It will be too late for you to recognize the smell of burning flesh in sulfur
Wailing of thousands upon thousands is audible, where evil never sleeps
Like a nightmare you wish never existed
Ironically, still no one dares to ask how to avoid the trench
Then they will build up their confidence to what they called temporal heaven,
Eternity is a mystery that has already been unfolded
A prosperous promise rejected by the system of the deaf
My pen yields to this so that you may hear
That a complex life can still be simplified,
And there is a kind of fear probably uncommon to man
But such fear is a way of living known as reverence
Faith is the key, believing is the door, and to step in is to obey
Life has only one chance to offer, so, better not lose it
The silver-tongued poet has nothing more to scribble here
But to put our faith to that Someone who conquered our utmost fear
Silver-tongued Poet 06.30.05
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