By Wilson NiƱofranco Guntang
Let your grave rise like a mirror in front of you,
And reminds you the inescapable stage of life
How long have you been trying to ignore it exist?
For certain is our lives that comes like a mist
Go! Indulge yourself to what the world sees right,
Like walking on the path of the sinking sand
You wanted to feel young and look young even
But you cannot deny the fact that you are going to die
You said you are still young but you are not getting any younger
Even young people will die and that’s for certain
How fool are the young who plays with fire and blade,
And amaze themselves to the deception it gave
So what life has to offer if it is going to end anyway?
And what’s the point of the quest to survive everyday?
The admission of a Creator would give you meaning,
Like an invention would only know from his inventor the purpose of his being
Life is not get wealthy, get healthy, have a family, fulfill your ambitions and die
There is more to it than spending the luxury of your time
It’s been too long since you have been the captain of your soul
Who navigates the uncharted seas never knowing where you’re going at all
Eternity was carved in every human soul
And the path you choose determines where you will go
Death will be our door to eternity
And two eternal doors are waiting for the afterlife
One door is left opened that leads to a soul-incinerating room
Many has entered this and yet no one ever found their way out
While the door that is mysteriously shut is being kept locked
So only by then the true citizen of the room could be the only one to enter
For it is the death of your spirit leads you to that open door
When you ignore the chance for the rebirth of your spirit and soul
We only breathe one life to exist
Until such mortality expires to its decay
Yet one death is a key to the door that is lock
And only the wise will follow the One who is called
The Well-Spring of Life Dead to your fleshly body yet alive in spirit the instruction is
The Elixir of life who poured out his blood for many
Only then by a death of a tiny seed that another life could be given birth
And a great life waits after a death on such burial
Death is not much to be feared as we were thought before
For such death by then fulfills the promised hope
To know what is to come, is to wait beyond our grave
But the assurance was given from the resurrection that saves
Search the Key for He is waiting to be found
And don’t defer in procrastination a life which is eternally bound
Silver-tongued Poet / 08.18.05
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